FUE Hair Transplantation Surgery - St. Louis, MO

Hair Transplant vs. Hair Replacement: Which is Better?

Are you tired of dealing with hair loss and feeling self-conscious about your thinning hair? Hair loss can have a significant impact on your self-esteem and quality of life. But the good news is that modern science has provided us with effective solutions to combat hair loss and restore a full head of hair. Among the various options available, hair transplant stands out as the ultimate solution for hair restoration. In this week’s blog post, we want to explore the ins and outs of hair transplant, its advantages over other methods, the different techniques involved, and the factors to consider before choosing this life-changing procedure.

FUE Hair Transplantation Surgery - St. Louis, MO

Understanding Hair Transplants

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves extracting hair follicles from the donor area, typically the back or sides of the head, and transplanting them into the thinning or balding areas of the scalp. This technique allows for the redistribution of healthy hair follicles to areas that have experienced hair loss, resulting in natural-looking and long-lasting hair growth. Unlike temporary solutions like wigs or hair systems, hair transplant offers a permanent solution to hair loss, making it a popular choice among those seeking a lasting solution.

Techniques in Hair Transplantation

There are two main techniques used in hair transplantation: Microscopically Dissected Elliptical Excision (MDEE), also known as Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Each technique has its advantages and considerations.

Microscopically Dissected Elliptical Excision (MDEE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

MDEE, formerly known as FUT, involves removing a strip of tissue from the donor area, usually the back of the head. This strip is then dissected into naturally occurring follicular units under a microscope. The surgeon creates recipient sites in the thinning or balding areas and carefully places the hair grafts into these sites at the proper angle and orientation. Unlike FUE, MDEE leaves a thin, linear scar that can be easily concealed by surrounding hair.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is a less invasive technique that involves harvesting individual hair follicles directly from the scalp using a small punch device. The back and sides of the head are typically shaved short to allow for clear visibility of the follicular units. FUE does not leave a linear scar like MDEE, but rather tiny, pinpoint scars that are easily hidden as the hair in the donor region grows back.

Advantages of Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant offers numerous advantages over other methods of hair restoration. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Natural Results: Since the transplanted hair comes from your own scalp, it blends seamlessly with your existing hair, resulting in natural-looking results.
  2. Permanent Solution: Once the transplanted hair takes root, it grows like your natural hair, making it a permanent solution to baldness.
  3. Low Maintenance: Unlike hair systems or implants that require regular upkeep, hair transplants require minimal maintenance. Once the transplanted hair has grown, you can treat it like your own hair without any special care.
  4. Cost-Effective: While the upfront cost of a hair transplant may be higher compared to other methods, it is a long-term investment. You won’t have to spend money on ongoing treatments or replacements, making it a cost-effective solution in the long run.

Disadvantages and Considerations

While hair transplant offers significant advantages, it’s important to consider the potential disadvantages and factors that may affect your decision:

  1. Surgical Procedure: Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves a recovery period. While the downtime is minimal, you will need to follow post-operative care instructions for optimal results.
  2. Scarring: MDEE or FUT technique leaves a thin, linear scar, while FUE technique leaves tiny, pinpoint scars. While these scars are easily hidden, their presence should be considered when making a decision.
  3. Surgeon’s Experience: The success of a hair transplant greatly depends on the skill and experience of the surgeon. Choosing a reputable and experienced hair transplant surgeon is crucial to achieve natural-looking results.
  4. Cost: Hair transplant can be a significant investment, and the total cost may vary depending on factors such as the extent of hair loss, the number of grafts needed, and the surgeon’s expertise. It’s important to consider your budget and weigh it against the long-term benefits of the procedure.

Choosing the Right Hair Restoration Method

When considering hair restoration, it’s essential to choose the method that best suits your needs and goals. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

Hair Loss Type and Stage

The type and stage of your hair loss can influence the success of different methods. For instance, if you have significant hair loss or a receding hairline, hair transplant may be the most effective solution. On the other hand, if you have mild hair loss or prefer non-surgical options, medications, topical treatments, or scalp micropigmentation may be suitable.

Lifestyle and Activities

Consider your lifestyle and regular activities when choosing a hair restoration method. Hair systems or implants may not be suitable for individuals with an active lifestyle, as they may require more maintenance and can get damaged with vigorous activities. Hair transplant, on the other hand, provides a long-lasting solution that allows you to lead an active life without worrying about your hair.

Desired Results and Long-Term Commitment

Think about your desired outcome and the level of commitment you are willing to make. Hair transplant provides a permanent solution with natural results, while other methods may require ongoing maintenance or regular replacements. Consider your long-term goals and the level of dedication you are comfortable with.


While cost should not be the sole determining factor, it is an important consideration. Hair transplant may have a higher upfront cost compared to other methods, but it offers a long-term solution that eliminates the need for ongoing treatments or replacements. Consider your budget and weigh it against the benefits of each method.

Consultation with a Hair Restoration Specialist

To make an informed decision, it’s advisable to consult with a hair restoration specialist. They can evaluate your hair loss condition, discuss your goals, and recommend the most suitable method for you. A skilled and experienced specialist can provide valuable insights and guide you through the process, ensuring the best possible outcome.

Hair Restoration in St. Louis, Missouri

Surgical hair restoration for men and women is the ultimate solution for hair loss, offering natural-looking and permanent results. With different techniques available, such as MDEE or FUE hair transplants, you can choose the method that best suits your needs and goals. Consider factors such as your hair loss type and stage, lifestyle, desired results, budget, and consult with a hair restoration specialist to make an informed decision. Don’t let hair loss affect your self-esteem any longer. There has never been a better time than right now to take control of your hair and regain your confidence. Contact us today to schedule a free, private consultation with Dr. Moore and get all your questions answered.