st louis mens hair transplant restoration regrowth


Hair loss takes a tremendous emotional toll on both men and women. And hair transplants have emerged as an effective, go-to solution to restore a healthy head of hair regrowth. If you are considering a hair transplant, it is helpful to understand the two main types of hair transplant procedures available. This article aims to provide an overview comparison between Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) hair transplants, in order to help you make an informed decision for optimal results.

Types of Hair Transplants Today

Hair transplants involve the extraction of hair follicles from one area of the body (typically the back and sides of the scalp) and transplanting them to the balding or thinning areas. FUE and FUT are the two primary methods used in hair transplantation.

What is an FUE Hair Transplant?

FUE is a minimally invasive hair transplant technique. It involves the extraction of individual hair follicles using a small punch tool as in a NeoGraft hair transplant procedure. The surgeon carefully selects and extracts the hair follicles, leaving tiny puncture wounds that heal quickly without requiring stitches. These hair follicles are then transplanted into the recipient area, allowing for natural hair growth. Hair follicles from the back and sides of the head are resistant to hereditary balding and therefore will start and continue to grow for the rest of the patient’s life.

FUE hair transplantation offers several advantages over traditional methods, including minimal scarring, shorter recovery time, and the ability to extract follicles from various parts of the body. However, it is a more time-consuming procedure and depending upon the patient’s degree of hair loss and available healthy donor hair, may require multiple sessions for larger areas of transplantation.

What is FUT Hair Transplantation?

FUT, also known as traditional strip harvesting, involves the removal of a narrow strip of scalp from the donor area. The strip is dissected into individual hair grafts by the hair transplant doctor’s surgical team. These grafts are then transplanted into the recipient area in a carefully crafted randomized pattern, creating natural-looking hair growth.

FUT hair transplants are more invasive procedure compared to FUE, as it requires stitches to close the donor area and, in most cases, leaves behind a visible linear scar. However, it is often favored for its ability to harvest a larger number of grafts in a single session. FUT may be recommended for patients with extensive hair loss or those seeking maximum hair coverage over a shorter time frame.

In both types of hair transplantation, the skill and artistic vision of the surgeon are crucial for a satisfactory outcome.

Comparing FUE and FUT Hair Transplants

When deciding between FUE and FUT hair transplants, several factors need to be considered. These factors include the extent of hair loss, donor hair quality and availability, desired outcome, as well as patient expectations and preferences.

FUE is suitable for patients who prefer a less invasive procedure with minimal scarring. It is ideal for individuals with limited hair loss or those who want to target specific areas for transplantation. FUE hair transplants allow for precise extraction and placement of follicles, resulting in natural-looking results.

FUT may be a better option for patients with significant hair loss or those requiring a larger number of grafts. The strip harvesting technique allows for the extraction of a higher quantity of hair follicles, providing more coverage in a single session. However, FUT does leave a linear scar, which may be a concern for individuals who prefer to wear their hair short.

Success rates and recovery time of FUE and FUT hair transplants

Both FUT and FUE hair transplants have high success rates when performed by experienced surgeons. The success of the procedure depends on various factors, including the surgeon’s skill, patient’s overall health, and proper post-operative care.

In terms of recovery time, FUE offers a quicker healing process compared to FUT. Since FUE does not require stitches, there is minimal discomfort, and patients can usually resume their regular activities within a few days. FUT, on the other hand, may require a longer recovery period due to the need for suture removal and the healing of the donor area.

Which Hair Transplant Method is Right for You?

Choosing between FUE and FUT hair transplants is a personal decision that depends on various factors. FUE offers minimal scarring, shorter recovery time, and the ability to target specific areas. On the other hand, FUT allows for a larger number of grafts and more coverage in a single session.

Consulting with a skilled hair transplant surgeon is crucial in determining the most suitable method for your specific needs. A thorough evaluation of your hair loss pattern, donor hair availability, and desired outcomes will help guide the decision-making process. Remember to consider success rates, recovery time, cost, and patient testimonials when making your final choice. By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that will help you achieve optimal results from your hair transplant procedure.

If you are considering coming to St. Louis for a hair restoration procedure, we invite you to contact our clinic today to schedule a free, private consultation with our experienced surgeons. We will work one-on-one with you and answer all your questions so that you can choose the most suitable method for your hair restoration journey.